Business Coach Cheltenham
This is for business owners who feel they should be doing more and getting more from their business as well as completely new start ups.
If you are looking for Business Coaching, whether it’s anywhere in the UK or Cheltenham then Cheltenham Tax Accountants have you covered. Stephen Edwards who started the business from nothing is passionate about helping other small businesses maximise the potential they have in front of them. It’s not just about earning more money. There are three ‘freedoms’ that our coaching programmes focus on.
How a Business Coach can help you
It’s not just about earning more money. There are three ‘freedoms’ that our coaching programmes focus on.
Financial Clarity
This is more common for many people, we all want to chase the dream of the luxury house, the fast sports car and the awesome holidays you can post on Instagram to show your friends. However, what does it really mean to you? Not everyone needs to earn millions to achieve financial clarity.
Free your time to become a true business owner and not an ’employee’
You’ve heard the expressions, being a ‘slave to your business’ and being a ‘busy fool’. These come from the harsh truths of what many business owners face. Having time freedom means working in and on the business on your own terms. This may mean a 4 day week or not working evenings or weekends. It could mean having the time to pick the kids up from school. Have you become used to working long hours just to make things tick over?
Reduce your stress
This one is perhaps the least familiar. Do you find yourself worrying about things in your business that ultimately affect your personal life. Do you not spend enough quality time with your wife and kids that you would like to? Does your business run seamlessly on auto-pilot? How often do you think about your business when you try to go to sleep?
Book a Free Meeting with A Business Coach Now
As part of offering our Business Coaching service we offer a free meeting which is an ideal opportunity for you to meet with us on a no-charge, no-obligation basis to discuss any of the following:
- Your goals for your business
- Your personal and family goals.
- Obstacles in your way e.g. cash, lack of time, stress
- Creating a stragegic vision
- How to scorecard your business to truly be in control
- Financial literacy training
- Directors board room to challenge your assumptions and biase
Book your free meeting now by emailing Steve at to get the ball rolling.
Free Meeting